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5 Reasons Why Your Mercedes-Benz Heater is Blowing Cool Air

5 Reasons Why Your Mercedes-Benz Heater is Blowing Cool Air

On those chilly, Los Angeles mornings and nights, you're going to want your car heater to warm you up. When your vehicle's cooling system stops working, you may notice that there's little to no heat coming from the vents, foggy windows, and coolant leaks around. At Jeff's Mercedes Auto Service, we can help you regain control of your Mercedes-Benz cabin temperature. No matter what time of year it is, you should be driving comfortably in such a luxurious car. Common Causes for Car Heater Problems in Mercedes-Benz Low Coolant Your Benz uses coolant to keep your engine at a tolerable temperature. When you have your heater turned on, the coolant works within the heater core to deliver the engine's warm air through your vents. If your car is low on this fluid, often due to a leak, it won't be able to reach the heater core at all. Problems with the Heater Core Speaking of the heater core, it may be the cause of no heat. This part has tubes that move the coolant ar ... read more

Top 3 Commonly Asked About Check Engine Lights

Top 3 Commonly Asked About Check Engine Lights

Question #1 - Can I Continue Driving With the Check Engine Light On? A lit check engine light could represent something very minuscule, like a loose gas gap in some scenarios. In this case, it would have no impact on your vehicle performance. However, if your check engine light is on, you should try to get it to an auto repair shop as soon as you can to avoid engine damage. Driving should be limited until you get to the service facility.  Question #2 - What Does a Flashing Check Engine Light On? A flashing check engine light has a different meaning than a steady check engine light. A blinking indicator may suggest you have engine problems that are very severe and sometimes beyond repair. If your check engine light is flashing, you should stop driving immediately. Please pull over to a safe spot and call for a tow to the auto repair shop. If you continue to drive and strain your engine, it will result in irreversible impairments. Question #3 - How Do I Turn Off the Check Engine ... read more

New Year's Eve Safety Tips

New Year's Eve Safety Tips

If you plan on going out for New Year's Eve this year, we highly recommend that you plan ahead of time. We want to make sure you can welcome 2022 with health and safety in mind. Here are some of our friendly reminders for you this New Year's Eve! Tip #1: Plan your ride in advance So many people will be out and about for this particular holiday, and many of them will be intoxicated. If you plan on drinking, please have a safe ride lined up before you start popping the champagne. You should know your options in advance and decide between public transportation, Uber/Lyft, or having one of your sober friends DD. Tip #2: Don't leave your car anywhere suspicious overnight Car thefts are on the hunt on New Year's. If you have to leave your car somewhere overnight, please double-check that you've locked it before calling it a night.  Tip #3: Stay away from the use of fireworks or firearms Often guns and fireworks are sometimes used during the countdown at Ne ... read more

How to Replace Your Wiper Blades on Your Mercedes-Benz

How to Replace Your Wiper Blades on Your Mercedes-Benz

There is shocking research behind how many drivers lack the knowledge of basic car maintenance and installations. For instance, more than 60% of drivers don't even know how to change a flat tire. To that end, we thought we'd walk you step by step in how to replace your windshield wiper blades. Because wiper blades are generally made of rubber, they wear down much quicker than other parts of your Mercedes. Constant exposure to rain, snow, dirt, and rocks can significantly decrease their efficiency. This is why professionals recommend replacing your wiper blades every six months to 1 year, depending on your usage and environment.  Step 1: Get Your Number Measurements The first step in discovering how to change your wiper blades is to research and measure the size of the replacement blade you'll need to purchase. Please examine and measure both your wiper blades. Once you've got your numbers, you know what you need to pick up. Please only buy blades from trusted pr ... read more

How Often Should I Be Washing My Mercedes-Benz?

How Often Should I Be Washing My Mercedes-Benz?

Your Mercedes-Benz is a big investment, which is why Mercedes car owners should make regular car washes a part of their cleaning routine. And no - we don't mean simply taking it to a cheap and instant mechanical car wash; it should be hand-washed! Maintaining your Benz includes everything from regular brake checks, on-time oil changes, tire rotations, and more. However, it also means getting a thorough car wash too. Some people only wash their car a couple of times a year, while others make it a habit to clean it weekly.  As a general rule, it would be best for you to wash your vehicle every two weeks. The interval can change depending on the environmental conditions you drive. It can also fluctuate based on weather and how often you take your car for a drive. Furthermore, if you live in a polluted area, next to the salty beach, or drive on dirt or mud roads every day, you should wash your vehicle more often. You should not limit car washes ... read more

How to Diagnose a Leak in Your Mercedes Benz By the Color of the Fluid

How to Diagnose a Leak in Your Mercedes Benz By the Color of the Fluid

Mercedes-Benz is a brand that is synonymous with luxury and performance. Though it may be perfect to the eye of its owners, all vehicles have their flaws and mishaps (including Mercedes-Benz). One of the most common repairs for Benz that we see at Jeff's Mercedes Auto Service is leakages. Like seeing blood on a human body, we tend to freak out when we see puddling near our vehicles. Certain types of fluid leaks can be more hazardous than others. Today, we will go over how you could determine what kind of fluid leak you have by examining the profile of the leak itself. Here is our fluid guide to determine what's leaking from your vehicle by the color of the fluid. Red Fluid A red-colored solution usually indicates you've got a leak in your transmission. This problem could stem from a faulty transmission seal or a hole in the line that supports the fluid between systems. Orange Fluid An orange leak can mean multiple things as well. If rust develops inside your radiator, i ... read more

Is It Safe to Drive A Shaky Vehicle?

Is It Safe to Drive A Shaky Vehicle?

An excessively shaking or vibrating vehicle can be annoying and nerve-wracking to operate on the road. You may discover that it only ever occurs when your Mercedes go over certain speeds or constantly happening all the time. If you're feeling uneasy about your vehicle, don't just simply ignore it! Any abnormal symptoms indicate a problem and should be inspected by a professional. So, if you are undergoing a vibrating or shaking sensation while riding around town, is it okay to keep driving? Lamentably, it is tough to give you a clear yes or no answer without understanding the actual cause of the issue. It is better if you had your Benz inspected here at Jeff's Mercedes Auto Service at the first sign of trouble. Often, some causes may not be as vital to your safety as others. Let's look at some of the potential reasons for a shaky car and how serious these issues are.  Lack of fuel - If you're too low on gas or have an issue with your fuel injectors or fuel sy ... read more

What is Brake Fluid?

What is Brake Fluid?

Your vehicle needs many fluids to continue its everyday performance. One of those fluids includes your brake fluid, which is vital to the function of your braking system. Most manufacturers have a specific interval or timeframe of when you should top off that brake solution. However, you should do your best to monitor the fluid level and its condition regularly.  Brake fluid is a liquid that carries the pressure of your foot on the brake pedal down to the brake pads. While this solution is in a bound system, the lines that move the fluid from your tank to your brakes can become worn or damaged. Over time, they can also sometimes allow water, dust, or dirt to corrupt the fluid. As a result of the dirty fluid, it can make the whole braking process less effective. Regardless of whether your fluid is contaminated or not, brake fluid naturally breaks down over time. Drivers need to be more attentive to how their brakes perform, as old brakes can leave you at a higher risk of getting i ... read more

Maintenance Tips for Your Mercedes-Benz

Maintenance Tips for Your Mercedes-Benz

At Jeff's Mercedes Service, we have dealer-level technicians that are experienced in servicing Benz. As a specialty shop that focuses on Mercedes-Benz repairs and services, we would like to give you this beneficial maintenance advice to keep your vehicle running for a lifetime. Go In for Regular Oil Changes One of the most critical things you need to do to keep your vehicle healthy is to have routine oil changes. Do not ever skip this step. Keeping up with your motor oil will keep your engine well lubricated, optimize performance, and increase your MPG. Top Off Your Fluids Not only is there engine oil that you need to top off, but there are five other essential fluids to every car: transmission, coolant, brake, and power steering fluids. It would help if you didn't wait until there is a problem with your vehicle to check your fluid levels. Motivate yourself to get into the habit of checking your fluid levels every few months, if not every ... read more

Is it Safe to Drive With the Engine Oil Warning Light On?

Is it Safe to Drive With the Engine Oil Warning Light On?

Low oil pressure or low oil level may cause the oil light to illuminate for a variety of reasons. If your oil light comes on when driving, the first thing you can do is pull the car forward and turn it off safely. The explanation for stopping the car is that if your engine runs out of gasoline, it will stop and will not be able to continue. If the vehicle comes to a halt while you are driving, it can trigger an accident. As a result, driving with an oil lamp light on can be extremely hazardous. If your car's oil light has come on, here are some things to think about: Check the oil level in the system after the vehicle has been stopped. The dipstick can be used for this. Remove the dipstick, clean it with a towel, and reinstall it in the car. If the dipstick is dry or has a small amount of oil on it, you can have an oil problem and should not drive. Your oil light can also illuminate if your oil pressure is low. Low oil pressure indicates that the pump is not circulating enough o ... read more